Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Busiest not so busy week!

This has been the busiest not so busy week for me. I don't have a lot of assignments due, in fact I only have one assignment due. BUT, what makes it bad, is that this is the biggest waste of time and completely pointless. I have to create an author study on a children's book author. I chose Jan and Stan Berenstain because I knew they would be super easy. They are, it's just the assignment itself is a pain in the butt! But, I will get through it just like I get through everything these days!

Yes, this is indeed a Gideons Bible. I show this picture to show all of you that this is how I make it through my days. No, I do not open it up and sit around read it. I wish I had time, but unfortunately I do not make the time. But the story behind this thing is I was walking to class last Fall. It was actually September 2007. I was walking to class and running late so I was in a big hurry. This man, which happened to be the man passing out the Gideons Bible, said to me "Here you go young lady, you look like you could use one of these." I smiled and said thank you and took it and dropped it in my bag. At first I felt offended in a way. Did I really look that bad or worn out or did I look like I had that much of a lack of faith? Whatever the case may be, I thank that man because since the day I put that Bible in my bag, everything has turned out great for me. My grades went up drastically. I made the Dean's List last semester while taking 19 hours, and this semester I have all A's and I do not see them dropping! This thing has really helped me and I refuse to take it out. It has helped me get through lots of things like financial issues, relationship issues, grades, school, etc., it helped me get through every bit of it. So, I just wanted to throw that in there. Even though I complain a lot about assignments and stuff and since I was just complaining about that assignment, I know that it will be okay and that I will make full credit on it and things will be fine because I have my little Bible with me. God is there for me every day and I wish I could be there for Him more often. But, back to everything else.

I dont' know if I ever told any of you about the 5th grade girl I have that stole her grandma's car, drove to town to beat a girl up, then wrecked the car on her way back. Well, if I didn't there's the brief story. Well, I found out today that last week she got kicked out of school and is now living in a group home in Montgomery. She took a girl in the girls bathroom and pulled her jacket around her so she couldn't move her arms and started beating the crap out of her in the bathroom. That girl really enjoyed me being around her though. I could make her behave and focus on everything. Every day she would come to check and make sure I was at school that day and come give me a hug. But, I think this is what's best for her. No one can excuse that kind of behavior not matter how bad you have it at home or how good you may be when you are around one person.

Well, I taught my math lesson. It was alright to be that nightmare of a group of kids. They are seriously the worse kids I have ever experienced. They are a bunch of the West End bussed in kids and it's just a nightmare!!!! But, I got through it somehow, I guess it was my Bible! But it went fine and now it's over. Today I got go over a cute reading lesson with my class and it was a lot of fun. They enjoyed me getting to get up there and teach to them for a change. I'm very excited about next week because I get to go to Kindergarten since my kids will be taking the SAT. So exciting. I went and introduced myself to them today and they are just precious. They are seriously some of the cutest little kids EVER! But anyway, I'm done talking and blabbing. I need to get started on that assignment I've been griping about. I hope all of you have had a good Monday and Tuesday and have a great remainder of the week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amber, I found your blog through Kelly's Korner and I just wanted to say good luck with everything. :) I know this is a super old post, but for some reason it's the very first one I read! I'm planning on being a teacher too, and I've recently decided to work on my relationship with God again, so we're in similar situations! Take care,


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